Insurance: personal pension policy scheme

 Pension policy is most important scheme in the insurance sector in the world. Specially it is important for the non governmental service holder. Those who are working in the private sector, at the end of the job life they don't get a financial satisfactory level by how they can lead a smart life after retirement of job. That is why pension policy is highly important for those people. All we need to think the financial security for our life.

For whom the attractive Pension policy:

Pension policy is important for everybody, specially it is urgently need for the people mentioned in the following:

#Non government service holder


# The worker of NGOs

# Non government school teachers

# Small and Medium businessman.

# Small and Medium entrepreneur.

# political figures.

# the girl who works handicraft.

# bus helper

# bus contractor and drivers.

# the people who work in the road and transport sector.

# the owner of the homes and houses.

# private bank officers

# private bank staffs.

# private bank servants.

# house wives.

# house keepers.

The pension scheme is important for both male and female because both of us need strong financial security.

Though anybody is an owner of many assets but we don't know when and how the crisis moment will be appeared in our small life. At the crisis situation the pension policy will be a helpful for the pension scheme holder of the insurance sector.

With this savings the tension and the excitement for the stable life can be reduced as like as the financial crisis.

The habit of savings brings the financial independence and many decisions can be taken as our will. All we will have to be retired and thuse amount of pension will be main driven force in our life.

Anyone can take a pension policy where monthly payable pension depends on the will of the clients. Any amount can be produced in the monthly pension system. The pension policy is valid for whole life of the clients and 10 years of guaranteed for the nominee of the cilents.

At the end of the pension policy 50% commutation can be received.

As an example we need to discuss a pension policy of state owned insurance institution of Bangladesh called Jiban Bima Corporation and the important criteria of this policy is mentioned in the following:-

1. The assurance of getting monthly pension for the life time from the age of 55.

2. This pension scheme is guaranteed for 10 years for the nominee.

3. Financial security in absence of the pension policy clients for his or her family.

4. Any person aged 20 to 53 can take the pension policy scheme from the jibon bima corporation.

5. There is a schope to get monthly pension in this scheme UpTo 50,000.00 BDT.

6. The premium can be paid generally in half yearly or yearly basis.

7. The premium amount depends on the desired monthly pension and the current age of the pension scheme holder.

8. The validity of this scheme is the period of time between the current age to, immediate previous year of getting pension.

9. Premium can be paid using the EFTN mobile banking, Bank or depositing at any type of office of jiban bima corporation.

10. The client of pension holder will get 15% tax rebate from the yearly basis premium for the pension scheme.

11. The pension policy holder will be able to surrender the policy and will get the surrender value after paying three premium of the policy.

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