Speechless Moti and his days

This is very important and crucial issue in the current world. The senior citizens are our golden men and a part of diamond. We need to make happy them regularly. But it is a matter of sorrow that in most of the cases they are ignored. They are ignored by their family members, they are ignored by their brother, they are ignored by their siblings, they are ignored by their daughter and they are ignored by their son. But in the eve of the life their relatives had been mostly loved by the senior citizens.

I don’t remember my father and grandfather. It is natural subject that all we will forget our predecessor. But they should be highly remembered. One day we will also be aged and senior.

Moti Mia is the oldest person in his community. He is 96 years old. Most of his friends passed away. He has to pass his times lonely. He calls the children to talk with him but they reject him silently. He becomes shock for this reason. In most of the public function he is ignored that is very pathetic to him.One day he decided to vandalize the haystack of his home. He made a plan to destroy the haystack.

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